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RTA Engineering is a distributor and representative of leading Chemistry Companies in Israel 

RTA Engineering Ltd. Supplies products and equipment to a variety of industries and research laboratories in the fields of chemistry. In addition, we plan and implement dedicated solutions and provide consulting, planning and support services.
Our high-quality and precise products are intended for existing and new production lines as well as research laboratories in factories and universities, and have helped to streamline a large number of companies.
We provide support and respond to challenges in the various processes as well as planning according to the customer's requirements.

Products & Services

Engineering and Development Products

Flow Meters & Controllers



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When it comes to tailor made solutions and implementing in the area of dosing technology RTA Engineering is your partner.

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RTA Engineering provides consulting and support solutions for flow and pressure controllers & meters according to customer needs and conditions.

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RTA Engineering provides engineering support for the establishment of continuous reactors systems for the chemical industry from the concept phase, through the experiment and laboratory phase to the passage of some of the development phases into creation, while looking at scaling-up and ongoing support. 

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RTA Engineering provides pumps for a variety of industries and laboratories with a high level of precision, which allow high pressures resistance and low pulsation. 

Materials Separation & Extraction

Controlled Evaporation and Mixing System (CEM)

Filters for Machinery and Industry

Gas Flow and Composition Measurement for Hot and Dust Laden Gases


Zaiput materials separators separate any process fluid containing two or more immiscible phases and can be inserted into any continuous or batch process for inline or downstream separation 

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CEM is an innovative Liquid Delivery System (LDS) that can be applied for atmospheric or vacuum processes. It consists of Thermal or Coriolis liquid flow controller and is suitable for mixing liquid flows of

1-1200 g/h resulting in saturated vapour flows of 50 mln/min up to 100 ln/min. This vaporizer system can replace bubblers

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Filters that are made of a variety of structural materials according to the chemical needs and rage from disposable filter houses to filters that withstand extreme conditions of up to 700 atmospheres.

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PROMECON specializes in the design and manufacture of high technology measurement systems for monitoring and optimization of thermal processes for various industries. 

Thermal Processing

Advance Insulation

Concentration & Density Systems

Mixing Systems

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Harper International is a global leader in complete thermal processing solutions and has pioneered some of the world’s most innovative, customized furnace, kiln and oven systems, with a focus on processing materials at high temperatures and in non-ambient atmospheres. 

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Zotefoams manufacturers T-FIT® Insulation an high-quality, high-performance, long-lasting and most cost-effective pipe insulation solution for plant-wide installation in demanding, highly-controlled industrial, pharma, HVAC and manufacturing environments

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Measuring instruments for the inline determination of concentrations in liquids by SensoTech.

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Stamixco designs and manufactures various mixers that are been used in a wide variety of applications, depending on parameters such as volume and viscosity ratios, density and concentration of the materials to be mixed. Among the mixers: static mixers, mixers for injection moulding, mixers for extrusion, disposable mixers.

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