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Chemical Field Products & Services

RTA Engineering Ltd. provides consulting and support solutions for dosing systems, flow control and pressure, according to customer's requirements.
We provide guidance and response to challenges in the various processes, such as accurate dosing for pharmaceutical industries, flow controls for quality product testing at the end of the production line, filling liquids in various production lines and more.

Acoustical Field Products & Services

In the acoustical field, we provide solutions for noise monitoring in a wide range of applications from simple noise measurement to remote multi-channel monitoring. We have solutions to noise problems in server units and rooms.



RTA engineering is a distributor and representative of leading companies in the chemical pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical fields in Israel. 


RTA engineering is a distributor and representative of leading acoustic companies in Israel.

Flow Controllers
&  Flow Meters


 We match and provide the most extensive product range on the market of thermal mass flow meters and flow controllers.

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